Age: 4
Weight: 48
Breed: Pittie, blue brindle and white
Dog friendly: She was introduced to a 7-year-old neutered male and was friendly with him and seemed to enjoy talking a walk with him. She also met an overly-frustrated young female puppy through the fence and responded to the puppy's frustration with some calm, tolerant and friendly body language.
Cat friendly: TBD
Kids: TBD
House Trained: She might be house trained, as she uses the bathroom immediately once we got outside, multiple times.
Ideal home environment: Genesis would do well in a home in which her people were willing to take their initial introductions to her at the pace that she sets, and then she'd be forever loyal and loving and feel comfortable being her sweet self!
Opportunities for improvement: She is a little shy on first meeting, but she quickly loosens up and becomes playful.
Fun facts: Genesis is a sweet and playful stocky hippo girl! She is attentive, knows "sit" and "wait" and seems to have been well-socialized.
Genesis is medium-energy and walks well on the leash, with minimal pulling (hardly any at all) and lots of attention to you. Genesis will do a couple of quick zooms when she gets to the run, and then she's ready for her pets and she'll lay down right beside you so that you can give her scratches in all the right spots!
We sure hope that she's rescued soon … This girl is too special to sit in a kennel without the attention she deserves! 💜
Arrived: 5-26-22
Status: Foster