Age: 3
Weight: 42
Breed: Pittie
Dog friendly: Dog selective/ though dog tolerant on leash
Cat friendly: Too excitable/ sees as prey
Kids: 13 and older
House Trained: Yes
Ideal home environment: Fenced yard to run and play, can tolerate people who work outside of home, but cuddling at night is a must!
Opportunities for improvement: Practically perfect!
Fun facts: Loves to cuddle at night and on the couch, is attentive to her person, food motivated, trained on agility coursework. Loves to do training exercises
Snuffy is a 3 year old stray that joined AAHA from PG county. With one half blue/half brown eye she is absolutely stunning. She likes to play fetch, loves treats & loves to be with her person.
Highly trained, energetic pup who would love to be your BFF!
Very affectionate
Enjoys hikes and walks, does well on leash
Loves people and in tune with them so would make a good "pets on wheels" pup. If you work from home- that is great too! She would love to hang out with you!
Strong prey drive toward cats and small animals
Dog friendly and has had some doggie friends (dog/dog introduction suggested). She would not do well in a larger doggie daycare or dog park environment
Total bed snuggler! Affectionate! Bonds closely with her humans!
Snuffy is currently with 'Taking the Lead'. Please contact them at to find out how to adopt her.
Arrived: 1-28-22
Status: Foster