Age: ~3 years
Weight: 62 lbs
Breed: Pit Bull Terrier Mix
Dog friendly: Yes
Cat friendly: Unknown
Kids: Unknown but anticipate yes with her calm mama demeanor
House Trained: Yes
Ideal home environment: Hazel is a low-medium energy dog that would love a home where she has a comfy bed to nap and a window to keep a curious eye on the neighborhood. Hazel would do well in most settings and has experienced both a house with a yard and a city condo with leashed walks for bathroom breaks. Hazel is tolerant but not as interested in engaging with high energy dogs and would do well with another low-medium energy companion or being the center of her human's world. She sleeps peacefully through the night in her crate and enjoys bringing you stuffies for the occasional game of tug throughout the day. Hazel is looking for easy going humans that will cuddle and chill with her and make her part of their family.
Opportunities for improvement: None identified right now. She is extremely attentive, smart, and trainable. She has picked up on every correction and responds really well to commands.
Fun facts: Hazel is very intelligent and easy to train! She already knows sit, down, paw, wait, okay (release word), come, leave it, and drop it. She loves to sniff the fresh air through an open window and sits calmly on her perch to people watch. She walks excellently on leash and does not pull! Often walking in a natural heel and does her business every time.
Hazel is an excellent car passenger and settles easily for the drive. She would love to join you on your adventures! She is able to ignore other dogs on walks and is more interested in her human than surroundings.
Hazel loves food! She learned on day 1 to sit and wait to be released to eat and is very motivated to train with her kibbles or any yummy treats. No picky eater here! Hazel is missing a small tooth on the top which makes her lip get stuck in adorable positions while also causing her tongue to stick out slightly while sleeping. When she wakes up it stays in the most adorable blep until she is awake enough to fix her face!
Hazel is so affectionate and appreciates being loved on with the most adorable piggy snorts. She loves to rest her big head in your lap or curl up next to you anytime you want company. Hazel has the most entertaining ears with one sticking straight up and the other flopping to the side. The way they flop and bounce together is guaranteed to make you smile every time you see her!!💜
Arrived: 3-12-22
Status: Foster